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Master Communication & Digital Marketing for Fashion

French or English
Elearning and Work/study training program
Eligible for:
Master’s degree
Output level:
Master's degree
September 2024

Students learn to use marketing and branding concepts with a cross-channel approach, developing in-depth knowledge of the fashion and luxury sector. They learn to engage with a community: the brand will experience a relationship with its clients. Trained in trend analysis, they are the interface between creative teams, communications and strategic management.

I register

  • Total hours for the year
  • 490hrs
  • /
  • UE1
  • Fashion ecosystem
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Introduction to marketing
  • 41hrs
  • 6
  • UE2
  • Branding
  • 40hrs
  • 6
  • Luxury
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE3
  • History of Fashion 1900-1950
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Production
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE4
  • History of Fashion 1950-2010
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Communication
  • 40hrs
  • 6
  • UE5
  • Textile
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Trends
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE6
  • Fashion & Sustainability
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • The client
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE7
  • Distribution
  • 30hrs
  • 6
  • Companies of the sector
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE8
  • Introduction to digital marketing
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Accounting
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Softwares - continuously
  • Excel (basic, operational, advanced)
  • 10hrs
  • /
  • Photoshop (basic, operational)
  • 7hrs
  • /
  • InDesign (basic, operational)
  • 8hrs
  • /
  • Evaluations
  • Evaluations
  • 84hrs
  • /
  • Experience report
  • Experience report
  • 50hrs
  • 12
  • Total hours for the year
  • 490hrs
  • /
  • UE1
  • Collection plan
  • 30hrs
  • 6
  • Merchandising
  • 30hrs
  • 6
  • UE2
  • Marketing plan
  • 35hrs
  • 6
  • Marketing case studies
  • 35hrs
  • 6
  • UE3
  • Product communication
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Crisis communication
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE4
  • Customer relationship
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Omnichannel Marketing
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE5
  • TooBox Acquisition
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • E-merch & UX
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE6
  • Fashion photography
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Pop Culture and Fashion
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE7
  • Visual Identity
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • PR, Social media & Brand content
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • UE8
  • Human Ressources
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • New Technologies
  • 15hrs
  • 2
  • Evaluations
  • Evaluations
  • 105hrs
  • /
  • Final dissertation
  • Final dissertation
  • 75hrs
  • 12
Emmanuelle Bresson
Head of Studies - Fashion Business Course
Isabelle Laurent
Head of Studies - E-learning master's

Request an application form


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LISAA Mode Paris
5 rue Laromiguière
+33 (0)1 47 07 17 07