lisaa ecole arts appliques

Creative fulfillment

Our mission is to reveal the creative uniqueness of each student.

We believe that today's market is looking not just for technical skills, but for minds that combine professionalism with a unique creative personality.

At LISAA, your talent doesn't just blossom; it becomes remarkable.

Helping you succeed in your career

But beyond skills, we guide each young person to find his or her own path.

LISAA is more than a school; it's a partner in your future.

Mutual support and high standards are the cornerstones of our approach, ensuring that each student's creativity connects with a professional future of their own.

lisaa ecole artistique accompagnement profesionnel

Select your city :

LISAA Nantes

Graphic Design Archi / Design Fashion

LISAA Strasbourg

Graphic Design Archi / Design Video Game

LISAA Toulouse

Graphic Design Archi / Design Animation

LISAA Montpellier

Graphic Design Archi / Design

students in work-study programs


partner companies


employment rate

LISAA fait partie des rares établissements supérieurs privés à être reconnu par le Ministère de la Culture.

La majorité des formations de LISAA sont certifiées par des titres enregistrés au RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) de niveau 6 (bac+3) et niveau 7 (bac+5).

En savoir plus sur les formations certifiées de LISAA


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Archi / Design
Having exhibited at The Salone Satellite for young designers during Milan Design Week (14th-19th April), Johanna Perrot’s graduate project Growing City, created as part of her degree in Durable Global Design at LISAA Nantes, is being exhibited in Milan at La Fabricca del Vapore from 7th-30th June.
En lire plus

Certified school

Courses at LISAA are recognised by the French state and registered on the French National Directory of Professional Certifications, the Bachelor’s degree at level 6 and the MBA at level 7.

School recognized by professionals

LISAA's teaching methods are built around professionalization: project-based work, educational partnerships with companies, active professional teachers, diploma juries with professionals, etc.

Innovative school

Each year, LISAA sets up new courses to keep up with the reality of the professions in the various sectors in which students are trained.

A school with network

LISAA is a member of numerous professional networks, some of which it founded, such as the Réseau des Ecoles du Cinéma d'Animation. It is a member of networks in the fields of design (France Design Eduaction), animation and video games (REJV, AFCA, Capital Games, Visual Effects Society...) and local networks (Pôle arts visuels des Pays de la Loire, Ouest Medialab, Design'in...). LISAA is also a member of the UNAID (interior design) and a Toon Boom center of excellence.  

Study your passion

LISAA promotes a teaching method where high standards, desire and benevolence are the driving forces behind performance. At LISAA, students work diligently but are guided in a family atmosphere.

Graduation projects

Talented students - See all graduation projects

Anim / Game
Hugo Marouzé - Sébastien Gabriel - Geoffroy Bruny - Sacha Kletzkine - Marion Santoni - Loïc Sarotte
Anim / Game
Louis Florance - Marie Leblanc - Magali Lefort - Germain Ludot - Milo Beltramelli - Stéven Lallauret
Anim / Game
Théo Besson - Nathan Brottier - Julien Durand - Osmar Jamil Ramos - Louis Mesnard - Arnaud Urien
Anim / Game
Antoine Louisia - Manoah Martins - Hugo Sabrié - Nicolas Salles - Doryan Woelfel
Anim / Game
Julia Aubert - Amaury Damecourt - Jérôme Burgei - Florent Galvin - Marc Piazza - Pier-Alexis Pottier
LISAA Design graphique & Communication Paris
62 boulevard Arago
+33 (0)1 85 73 23 40
LISAA Animation & Jeu Vidéo Paris
7 rue Armand Moisant
+33 (0)1 71 39 88 00
LISAA Architecture d’intérieur & Design Paris
73 rue Pascal
+33 (0)1 45 43 02 02
LISAA Bordeaux
Campus Bassins à Flot - 20 Quai Lawton CS 50100
Bordeaux Cedex
+33 (0)5 56 12 40 56
LISAA Mode Paris
5 rue Laromiguière
+33 (0)1 47 07 17 07
LISAA Nantes
13 rue Baron
+33 (0)2 40 20 30 50
LISAA Rennes
13 rue Poullain Duparc
+33 (0)2 99 79 23 79
LISAA Strasbourg
1A rue Thiergarten
+33 (0)3 88 22 44 22
LISAA Toulouse
Campus Enova - 505 rue Jean Rostand
+33 (0)5 16 63 60 96