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LISAA Paris Graphic Design & Motion design

Interview with Sébastien Séjourné, director of Housse de Racket’s latest music video // LISAA Alumni

Sébastien Séjourné, graphic designer and motion designer, graduated in Graphic Design from LISAA Paris in 2015. He recently collaborated with the group Housse de Racket on the music video for their latest release, “Satellite 1”.

LISAA: Can you tell us about your career path after you graduated from LISAA?

Sébastien: After graduating in graphic design from LISAA, I continued my studies for another year. I then did a work placement in a production company as a graphic designer, motion designer and editor. Incidentally, I’m directing my career more towards motion design or art direction in a production company.

How did the collaboration with Housse de Racket come about?

They are a group I’ve been listening to for several years. So I contacted them to send them my end of studies project in order to have their opinion. This project was a 1 minute 30 second music video for a Tame Impala track.

The two musicians liked my style and asked me to make their next music video!

Sébastien Séjourné, 2015 graduate in Graphic Design and director of the music video for “Satellite 1” by Housse de Racket

I also sent it to other groups in France, America and England. But it was Housse de Racket who came back with the most interesting reply as the two musicians liked my style and asked me to make their next music video!

What was the creative process for this music video?

The musicians from Housse de Racket wanted something to do with space. That was the only brief, so I had complete freedom for the project! I sent them some ideas, explaining my creative approach, which they approved. Then we made some changes during the editing in September.

I got a lot of inspiration from Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, particularly for the astronaut. I worked image by image with watercolours on the rushes that I had filmed—for example, footage of the duo in their studio playing the “Satellite 1” track. I also created 3-D animations. I then did post-production to animate some of the drawings. The narration came in real time, so I created the storyboard a bit later.

What did you particularly like about this experience?

Housse de Racket gave me complete free rein on this project

Sébastien Séjourné, 2015 graduate and director of the music video for “Satellite 1” by Housse de Racket

I liked working with a group that I had listened to for a long time, of course! And then I had a lot of fun making this video. Housse de Racket gave me complete free rein on this project—that’s what I liked the most. And then the most interesting part of my work was to find the concept, the ideas and then the editing.

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LISAA Design graphique Paris
62 boulevard Arago
+33 (0)1 85 73 23 40