Morphology classes honored at JT by France 2
Vendredi 29 janvier, l'équipe du journal télévisé de France 2 mettait Annie Ferret, modèle vivant dans le cours de morphologie de LISAA Animation, à l'honneur. Friday, January 29th, France 2 television honors live LISAA Animation morphology model Annie Ferret.

A reportage on living models
The reportage by France 2 examens living models, a difficult and relatively unknown profession. It explains that it is a physical activity, that necessitates an artistic background and a creative nature.
For me, posing is a gift.
Annie Ferret, living model at LISAA
Morphologie course
The morphology course by Michel Lauricella is taught to first year students from theAnimation and video game programat LISAA Paris. The students learn the fundamentals of anatomy, and how later to subtlety translate them to the digital domain.
The students can thereafter integrate into the higher education of 2D video games, 3D video games, 2D Animation, 3D Animation 3D, and Special Effects proposed by the Higher Institute of Applied Arts.