Cultural industries have grown faster than the national average
The culture and creativity industry accounts for 1.3 million jobs in France, or "double" that of auto production, according to a study published on Friday, November 27, 2015 by Ernst & Young Creative France.

Superior growth over the rest of the French economy
Companies and institutions in music, film, theater, the press and gaming grew by 1.2% between 2011 and 2013, more than the rest of the French economy (0, 9% over the same period).
After a first study in the fall of 2013, this second study, conducted by the EYand France Créative reaffirms the contribution of the cultural and creative sectors towards economic growth and the creation of employment in France.
Double the employment generated by the automotive industry
According to this document, the cultural and creative industries represented in 2013, 83.6 billion euros in revenues and 1.3 million jobs, more than double that created by automobile production.
Exceptional exportation, lead by video games
This digital panorama exports 2.7 billion euros of French cultural property. The companies that export the most are video games, books and the press.
"Music, film, literature, and graphic arts real French "strong points" for our exports, our influence."
Manuel Valls, Prime Minister
A sector for young people
Nearly half (47%) of culture-related and creative jobs are occupied by those under 40, more than the national average (44%), the study notes. This is very good news for students of Applied Arts at LISAA.