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LISAA Paris Graphic Design & Motion design

Open day at LISAA Paris Graphic Design

On March 7th 2020, LISAA students and teachers welcome you from 10am to 6pm. Visits and conferences on programmes and graphic design careers are scheduled.

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Orientation advice

Coaching for the admission interview - Bring your portfolio and test your level!
Saturday - Open from 3pm


Students projects exhibition: end-of-studies, partnerships, challenges


  • 12pm - "Studying at LISAA: from the first to the fifth year" by Constance Grison, Director, Vanessa Farnot, head of studies for the foundation year and François Vermorel, head of studies for Digital Art Direction


Meet and discuss with the educational staff and the students.

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Practical information

LISAA Paris School of Graphic Design
62 boulevard Arago, Paris 13e
+33 (0)1 85 73 23 40
Saturday 7th March 2020 (10am-6pm)

Partagez l’actualité sur
Formations liées au projet
Bachelor Graphic Design
This course teaches students how to define a visual communication strategy, to master different means of expression and to use them on various supports: print, packaging and interactive media.
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Bachelor Motion Design
This course trains students to direct film and television credits, music and advertising videos, televisual graphic design, web banners, advertisements on smartphones and tablets, animated documentaries and illustrated digital books.
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Master Digital Art Direction / 360 Communication
The 360° Communication course is for students who wish to further their skills in print media while advancing their learning in digital media. In addition to the shared core with the digital art direction course, students work on three complementary axes: publishing/illustration, branding/strategy and events.
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Master Digital Art Direction / Animated media
The art direction/animated media course enables students to develop specific skills in the production of audio-visual content. They work on 3-D animation, illustrated animation (TVPaint), directing and production, and further develop the specific art direction skills adapted to video and motion design.
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Foundation year in applied arts / design
The Foundation year (MANAA) takes place over one year. It allows each student to forge solid artistic bases that will be essential throughout their career as a designer.
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LISAA Design graphique Paris
62 boulevard Arago
+33 (0)1 85 73 23 40