LISAA Paris School of Interior Architecture and Design is expanding
LISAA Paris School of Interior Architecture and Design is being revamped and is taking up residence in the Gobelins neighbourhood in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. The move happened in March 2019.

The building is an industrial art deco building – a 2700 m² former flag factory spread over four storeys. It includes 17 classrooms designed for the teaching of applied arts, a large workshop for the manufacture of models and prototypes, four Mac and PC computer labs, a fablab equipped with laser cutters and 3-D printers, a photo studio, a showroom, lecture theatre, cafeteria and courtyard.
We have redesigned the spaces to create a school in which it is good to work together, to learn, to exchange, to produce – in short, to create!
Emmanuelle Torck, Director of LISAA Paris School of Interior Architecture and Design
Designed especially for LISAA by architect Claude Ginsburger, who specialises in renovations and industrial style and rooftop configurations, the premises offer students all the comfort and functionality of a 21st-century higher education establishment.
A French architectural gem, this vast, modern building is the new flagship of the LISAA Paris schools. It also host classes from the fashion and graphic design schools in addition to classes for the school of interior design and architecture.
We fell in love with this vast and bright place, which is conducive to creation. A setting worthy of the students’ personal investment.
Agnès Nicolas-Ifker, Managing Director of Galileo Global Education France
Filled with beautiful volumes and bathed in light, it will serve as an exhibition and ceremonial space.
The LISAA Paris School of Interior Architecture and Design offers a five-year training course that includes a state-recognised level I (FR), 7 (EU) diploma, which is registered with the RNCP. Focusing on two skill areas in interior design and architecture, it enables students to specialise at the end of their degree course in interior design and service design, interior design and global design, interior architecture and connected device design, interior architecture and culinary design or interior architecture and scenography.
Thanks to its numerous partnerships with companies (Orange, CEEBIOS, Cerema, Carrefour, Adagio, Interface, Arthus-Bertrand, Rond-Point Theater, Syctom, VIA, Théâtre de Châtillon, Daum, Korian) and its teaching staff made up of architecture and design professionals, LISAA enjoys wide recognition, in particular from the Ministry of Culture and Communication and also from UNAID (National Union of Interior Designers).
LISAA is also ranked as the fifth preferred private interior architecture school by professionals (out of 109 schools/L'Étudiant 2018) and fourth preferred private product design school by professionals (out of 97 schools/ L'Étudiant 2018).