Interior Architecture & Design / 5-year course

Présentation de la formation Architecte d'Intérieur & Designer
5 ans pour devenir des experts de l’architecture d’intérieur et du design
Notre double cursus se distingue par son caractère unique sur le marché : il propose un équilibre parfait avec autant d’heures de cours en architecture d’intérieur qu’en design.
Cette particularité vous permet d’acquérir une expertise approfondie dans les deux disciplines, offrant ainsi une vision globale et polyvalente pour répondre à tous les besoins de vos futurs clients.
Ce programme en cinq ans est également accessible en admissions parallèles tout au long du parcours.
Une formation qui combine polyvalence et spécialisation
À partir de la 4ᵉ année, vous franchissez une étape décisive en vous spécialisant dans un domaine clé de l’architecture d’intérieur ou du design.
Ce parcours unique, enrichi par une 5ᵉ année en alternance, vous prépare à devenir un professionnel polyvalent et hautement qualifié, très prisé sur le marché du travail.

The advantages of the Interior Architect & Design course
The interior architecture & design course in figures
The content of the interior architecture & design course
The first three years of the programme are a generalist course in interior architecture & design. From the 4th year onwards, you can refine your profile by choosing a specialisation in: global design, hospitality, catering and made in France, sustainable design, scenography design, UX design & interactive spaces.
In the first year, among the subjects taught at the school of architecture, you will find representation techniques, specialized workshops and artistic culture.
- Basic arts education
- Life Drawing
- 5
- Drawing
- 5
- Colour
- 3
- Exterior Sketching
- 3
- Cultural and creative education
- Art History
- 3
- Project Methodology
- 1
- Creative process & experimentation
- 3
- English
- 2
- Specialised and technical education
- Architecture
- 8
- Design
- 8
- Scenography
- 8
- Theoretical and technical education
- Computer Graphics
- 8
- Site Studies
- 1
- Creative process and technical project
- 1
- Semiology
- 1
- Validation of learning
- Jury
- /
- Workshop
- /
In the second year, the architecture school programme becomes more specific and design workshops and technology are added to the themes covered in the first year.
- Conception workshops
- Interior Architecture workshop (scenography)
- 12
- Design workshop
- 12
- Technology
- Design Technology
- 8
- Architecture Technology/ Construction Drawing
- 8
- Representation techniques
- Perspective/Technical Drawing
- 8
- 2D/3D Computer Graphics & Visual Communication
- 8
- Cultural and Professional Courses
- Architecture and Design Culture
- 3
- Design & Society
- 2
- Professional English (1 semester)
- 1
In the third year, you will deepen the skills of the first years. You will also be able to carry out corporate partnership projects.
- Conception workshops
- Interior Architecture workshop
- 12
- Design workshop
- 12
- Process workshop
- 3
- Technology
- Design Technology
- 5,5
- Architecture Technology
- 6,5
- Representation techniques
- Perspective Drawing
- 4,5
- 2D/3D Computer Graphics & Visual Communication
- 5,5
- Cultural and Professional Courses
- History of Architecture and Design
- 2
- Marketing
- 1,5
- Professional English
- 1,5
- Work experience
- Internship
- 6
What does the School of Architecture programme have in store for you in this 4th year? You will take part in design workshops, learn about architectural technology and representation techniques, but you will also acquire skills in operational project management, marketing and management. You will complete a specialisation project and an internship.
- Conception workshops
- Interior Architecture workshop (scenography)
- 8
- Design Workshop
- 8
- Technology
- Architecture Technology
- 3
- Design Technology
- 3
- Representation techniques
- 2D/3D Computer Graphics & Visual Communication
- 4
- Graphic Design
- 2
- Cultural and Professional Courses
- Marketing
- 5
- Management
- 1
- Careers
- 1
- Professional English
- 1
- Professional English
- 1,5
- Specialisation project
- Thesis
- 6
- Specialisation project
- 10
- Work experience
- Internship
- 7
The 5th year will allow you to consolidate the learning initiated in the 4th year. This 5th year can be done in alternating years.
- Conception workshops
- Interior Architecture & Design workshop
- 12
- Specialisation workshop
- 3
- Cultural and Professional Courses
- Project Management
- 4
- Management
- 4
- Marketing
- 3
- Sociology
- 1
- Culture & Innovation
- 3
- Technology
- Techniques & Technologies
- 5
- Innovative Materials
- 1
- Representation Techniques & Communication
- Graphic Design & Visual Communication
- 8
- 2D & 3D Computer Graphics
- 4
- Prototyping Workshop
- FabLab
- 4
- Video & Sound
- 3
- Complementary courses
- Valuing a personal approach
- 4
- Sandwich course paths
- 1
Methods & evaluations
The educational staff